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イラストルームマツムラ - Illustroom Matsumura -松村美絵公式サイト- お知らせ Page 37


2019亥年の暦 | Calendar of the Year of the Boar.

2019.01.16 | お知らせ Notice


生徒さんやお客様、友人へ配ります。 お楽しみに〜(*^_^*)/

Calendar of 600 pieces of Year of the Boar came off the press.

I distribute a calendar to students and visitors and friends from now on.



椿 | Camellia japonica

2019.01.12 | お知らせ Notice


The camellia which has been got close to from the Edo era blooms admirably in winter. The flower language is unostentatious elegance.


お祝い | A beginning of happiness

2019.01.5 | お知らせ Notice

親友のアンナさんがワルシャワWilanow 役所で結婚しました。


とても素敵な式でした(*^_^*)   末長くお幸せに♡

Anna of the close friend married at Warsaw Wilanow government office.

She is a figure of the princesses of the times in the medieval Poland, Bridegroom is a samurai figure of the Edo era when he carried two swords. That was a very interesting wedding ceremony.

I wish you a long happy married life♡

亥年 | The Year of the Boar

2019.01.1 | お知らせ Notice




I wish you a happy New Year.  The character of my favorite book is a wild boar, too.  I hope that you can pass this year with a smile.


笠地蔵 | Kasa Jizo (Japanese classical stories)

2018.12.23 | お知らせ Notice



When the last day of the year approaches, I remember the story of Kasa Jizo. This is a Japanese classical story becoming warmhearted.

Best wishes for a happy New Year.

冬日和 | Fair winter weather

2018.12.17 | お知らせ Notice



The dried persimmons bask in the sun comfortably.

Express messenger of the fox (the north wind) is closed today.

雪月 | Mid-December

2018.12.10 | お知らせ Notice



I thought that it is a warm winter until the other day,

but the North Japan is a heavy snow.


霜秋 | Frost autumn

2018.11.29 | お知らせ Notice

朝日に輝くの霜の結晶はもうクリスマス (*^_^*)

The crystal of the frost of shining is like the mark of Christmas in the morning sun.

わずか10cmミニ盆栽の世界! | Wonderful mini-bonsai world!

2018.11.19 | お知らせ Notice



ミニ盆栽世界は深い( ゜o゜;

I was impressed by a mini-bonsai displayed for “12thKoshi city cultural festival. The pine has only around 10cm in height, and the others are 10 several centimeters, too.  The chrysanthemum is like the tree.  The mini-bonsai world is deep!

『第12回 合志市文化祭』開催中! | Koshi city cultural festival is now open!

2018.11.17 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents




“12th Koshi city cultural festival is now open!

Many Suibokuga & Bokusaiga of students wait for everybody.

