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イラストルームマツムラ - Illustroom Matsumura -松村美絵公式サイト- 教室・講習会
◆ 熊本市自主講座(熊本市)
◆ 楽しむ水墨・墨彩画教室(熊本市・合志市)
◎鹿乃家公民館【第1・3(火)13:30〜16:00】 月謝4,000円
◎泉ヶ丘公民館【第1・3(木)10:00〜12:00】 月謝4,000円
◎御代志市民センター【第2・4(木)14:00〜16:00】 月謝4,000円
◎天神教室 (福岡市)【不定期】2時間大人1人 3,300円(子ども教室もあり)
◉生徒募集中! 初心者からプロを目指す方までどなたでも入構OK!
◆ Student-initiated course(Kumamto city)
◎Hanazono Public Hall/ Haiga Course (every 1st,3rd Wednesday 13:30~15:30)
◆ EnjoySuibokuga&Bokusaiga class(Kumamoto city ,Koshi city)
◎Shikanoya Public Hall (every1st,3rd Tuesday13:30~16:00) monthly tuition fee 4,000yen
◎Izumigaoka Public Hall (every1st,3rdThursday 10:00a.m~12:00) monthly tuition fee 4,000yen
◎Miyoshi City Public Center (every 2nd,4th Thursday 14:00~16:00) monthly tuition fee 4,000yen
◎Tenjin class(Fukuoka city) 【Irregular】3,300 yen per person for 2 hours(Children's classes available)
◎Correspondence course (mail all materials every 2 months ) two months tuition fee 10,000yen
◉We are looking for students! Everyone is welcome, from beginners to aspiring professionals.
【2時間 大人 会費4,000円 】※使用材料費込み
【2時間 子ども会費2,000円】※使用材料費込み
◆ Suibokuga trial class (1~10 people)お問合せ│CONTACT
※reservation required
◎2 hours class【adults- tuition fee 4,000 yen】materials cost included
◎2 hours class【kids -tuition fee 2,000 yen】materials cost included
※The place-classroom and all needed materials : brush, inkstone,paper, weight, mat, etc. are prepared by me
※In case outskirts of Kumamoto city, my transportion fare is not included
※ For reservation or more information , please contact us