
成人の日| Coming-of-Age Day

2020.01.10 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


It is January 13th in Coming-of-Age Day of this year. On that day of me became long past. I hope a bright future will open for a new adult.

庚子年の暦 | Calendar in year of the mouse

2020.01.1 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


Calendar in year of the mouse of 600 pieces came off the press. I distribute a calendar to students and visitors and friends from now on.

年の暮れ| Near at hand on New Year’s Eve

2019.12.28 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


It is finally near at hand on the last day of the year, It is mice of the sexagenary cycle that hit 108 bells. This picture was published in the newspaper in the year of the mouse 24 years ago.

色紙絵講習会②開催 | Class of the picture of the hedgehog(Dec. 19)

2019.12.20 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents

南阿蘇の保育園の先生方と干支の『ハリネズミ』を描きました。かわいいハリネズミが完成し皆さん笑顔です。楽しい時間をありがとうございました (^o^)/*

I drew the picture of the hedgehog of the sexagenary cycle with teachers of the nursery school of South Aso. Because everybody was able to draw a Pretty hedgehog, all became the smile. I had a great time! Thank you so much.

花園教室・ロビー展(12月〜)開催中!| Lobby exhibition is now open! (Hanazono Haiga class)

2019.12.18 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents


干支のねずをはじめ、 生徒さんの素敵な俳画・墨彩画・水墨画が皆様をお持ちしています。

Lobby exhibition of Haiga class of Hanazono Public Hall is now open!  If you have time, please drop by.  The mouse of the sexagenary cycle has the display, too.

御代志教室・ロビー展(12月〜)開催中!| Lobby exhibition is now open!

2019.12.12 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents



Lobby exhibition of Enjoy Suibokuga&Bokusaiga Miyoshi class of Miyoshi City Public Center is now open!   If you have time, please drop by. The mouse of the sexagenary cycle has the display, too.

シクラメン | Cyclamen

2019.12.9 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


本当は春の花、少し寒そうに客を迎えてくれます(^ 。^;)

I see cyclamens well in a town if it becomes close in Christmas.

They are actually spring flowers, they meet a visitor at the storefront in the way that it is cold a little.


3種類の描き方 | Three kinds of how to describe mice

2019.11.28 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


今日は赤い蕪と勾勒法(こうろくほう)のねずみです。 ※勾勒法とは輪郭を描く描き方です。

I teach three kinds of how to describe mice this month in classrooms.

I drew a red turnip and two mice on the calendar today.

『第13回 合志市文化祭』(御代志教室)開催中! | Koshi city cultural festival is now open!

2019.11.16 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents



“13th Koshi city cultural festival is now open!  Many Suibokuga & Bokusaiga of students of Miyoshi class wait for everybody.

『第13回 合志市文化祭』(泉ヶ丘教室)開催中! | Koshi city cultural festival is now open!

2019.11.16 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents



“13th Koshi city cultural festival is now open!  Many Suibokuga & Bokusaiga of students of Izumigaoka class wait for everybody.
