
お知らせ Notice

牡丹 | The peony

2021.07.10 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

The peony of Bokusaiga which I am drawing in Hanazono City Public Center class.

蓮Ⅲ | LotusⅢ

2021.06.25 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


These lotuses of Bokusaiga which I drew in Miyoshi City Public Center class,today.

蓮 Ⅱ | Lotus Ⅱ

2021.06.23 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


These lotuses of Bokusaiga which I drew in Izumigaoka public hall class.

祝富士 | Celebration Fuji

2021.06.13 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


Celebration Fuji of large plate went for the celebration of the eighty-eighth birthday.

蓮 Ⅰ | Lotus Ⅰ

2021.06.10 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

中国の儒学者・周敦頤(しゅう とんい)「愛蓮説」の一節、『出汚泥而不染』泥より出づるも染まらず。大切にしたい言葉です。教室での一枚。
Words of the Chinese Confucianism scholar,” Even if I lived in inferior environment, I am never being dyed with evil. ” This word is precious to me. The lotus which I drew in Miyoshi City Public Center class.

向日葵 | Sunflower

2021.06.6 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition

The large plate of sunflower left to the castle town. Please make everybody happy.

楓箱 | Box of the maple

2021.05.28 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition

Lycoris radiata which I drew on the box of the maple.

焼き上がり | Baking!

2021.05.15 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents


The look delicious plates were baked.

ご観覧に感謝♡ | Grateful to everyone♡

2021.05.6 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents


Though corona infected people increase, there were 700 visitors during our exhibition. It became the energy of production activity in the future. We thank you.

『HITOYOSHI3人3様展』最終日 | Exhibition is last day

2021.05.3 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents


Exhibition is last day. I am waiting for you in the art museum.
