
お知らせ Notice

滲み | A blur

2021.11.26 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

水の滲みを利用した犬 (*^_^*)

The dog of Suiboku-art which I drew using a blur by the water.

子虎 | The tiger cub

2021.11.24 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

本日は五福教室で子虎 (*^_^*)

The tiger cub of Bokusaiga which I was drawing in Gofuku PublicHall of Haiga Course.

おでん | Oden

2021.11.12 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

Kumamoto- city cooled down suddenly, too.
Oden is a delicious season. (Oden is a type of Japanese stew.)

立冬 | First day of winter

2021.11.7 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

It is Ritto (the first day of winter on calendar) , a winter beginning on November 7 in Japan. We eat warm food served in a pot, and let’s ride out cold winter.

張り子の寅 | Tiger of the paper doll

2021.10.30 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents



The zodiac of the next year is Tiger. In the beginning, I drew a tiger of the paper doll in Miyoshi City Public Center class.

牡丹 | The peony

2021.10.13 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


The peony of Bokusaiga which I was drawing in Gofuku PublicHall of Haiga Course.

雀 | Passer

2021.10.10 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


I drew a passer and the Morning glory of Bokusaiga in Izumigaoka Public Hall class.

仲秋 | The harvest moon

2021.09.27 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

仲秋に三枚。今夜も虫の大合唱 (*^_^*)

I drew the Japanese autumn scenery in Miyoshi City Public Center class.

朝顔&富士 | Morning glory & Mt. Fuji

2021.09.22 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

2種類の描き方の朝顔と山水画1枚(大江教室) 。

I drew the two types Morning glory of Bokusaiga and Mt. Fuji of Suibokuga in Shikanoya Public Hall class.

朝顔 | Morning glory

2021.09.15 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


I drew the Morning glory of Bokusaiga in Izumigaoka Public Hall class.
