旅立ちの季節 | Season of the departure
2019.03.13 | お知らせ Notice
お別れ遠足は何十年も前になりますが、 菜の花だけは毎年見れますね♡
It is years ago that I went for parting excursion of school.
However, I can watch only the rape-flower every year.
雛祭り | Girl’s Festival♡
2019.03.3 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
March 3 is “Girl’s Festival”. Spring has come to the neighborhood.
花園公民館・学習発表会開催中!| Exhibition is now open!(Hanazono Haiga Course)
2019.03.2 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents
Exhibition of Hanazono Haiga Course is now open! If you have time, please drop by.
五福公民館・学習発表会開催中! | Exhibition is now open!(Gofuku Haiga Course)
2019.03.1 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents
Exhibition of Hanazono Haiga Course is now open! If you have time, please drop by.
春目前 | Spring is the very front
2019.02.22 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
急性喉頭炎では、暫く黙るしかなさそうです(>_< ;)
Because it was almost spring, I was careless.
Acute laryngitis. I think that I should not talk for a while.
雪中花(水仙)| Narcissus
2019.02.19 | お知らせ Notice
Narcissus blooms on the waterside, beautiful and grace and fragrant. Narcissus is the meaning of a hermit living in water in the Chinese classics.
色紙絵講習会開催 | Class of the picture of the wild boar(February 8)
2019.02.9 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
I drew the picture of the wild boar with teachers of the nursery school of South Aso. Because everybody was able to draw a wild boar, all became the smile. Thank you for a great time♡
節分 | Day before the beginning of spring (February 3)
2019.02.3 | お知らせ Notice
Spring comes over this year. There is the event of the bean-scattering ceremony for a long time to send away misfortune in Japan.
福寿草と藪柑子 | Adonis ramose & Spearflower(Ardisia japonica)
2019.01.29 | お知らせ Notice
The yellow flower told to cause fortune is Adonis ramose.
With a red fruit, and the spearflower is considered to be a lucky item.
It is called ” juryo(ten)” another name. The flower language is “happiness to tomorrow”.
猪出没!| Wild boars appeared frequently.
2019.01.20 | お知らせ Notice
Wild boars appeared frequently in the neighboring thicket. Land is bumpy.