御代志教室・ロビー展 開催中!| Lobby exhibition is now open!
2020.12.11 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents
コロナに負けず、御代志市民センターでロビー展開催中! 生徒さんの素敵な俳画・墨彩画・水墨画が皆様をお持ちしています。
Lobby exhibition of Enjoy Suibokuga&Bokusaiga Miyoshi class of Miyoshi City Public Center is now open! If you have time, please drop by.

干支 | the twelve signs of the oriental zodiac
2020.12.6 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
The zodiac of the next year is Ox. I draw various kinds of cow in my classrooms.
霜秋(そうしゅう)| Late fall to the beginning of winter
2020.11.28 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
師走目前、来年は丑年です。教室では連日、色々な牛の絵を描いています (*^_^*)
It is near at hand in December. The sexagenary cycle of next year is Cow.
In the classroom, I draw various kinds of cattle with Suibokuga & Bokusaiga day after day.

秋の味覚 | autumn food
2020.11.15 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
The Acer palmatum of the garden changes color day by day and is almost fall. It was the season when the fruit was delicious.

手職展 | “A manual art exhibition”
2020.10.27 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition
同級生・山上貢司君の『手職展』が熊本伝統工芸館で開催されています。 お時間がございましたら、美しい匠の技をご覧ください。
“A manual art exhibition” of Koji Yamagami of my classmate is being held with Kumamoto Prefectural traditional Crafts Center. If you have the time, please see the skill of the beautiful artisan.

和む夜 | Night to calm down
2020.10.26 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
Night gets longer, and a heart softens to one cup of coffee.

四君子『蘭の描き方』| Textbook of the orchid
2020.10.17 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
水墨画の基礎になる四君子の一つ『蘭の描き方』です。四君子の梅は 「高潔」、蘭は「清逸」、竹は「節操」、菊は「淡泊」を表現します。
The orchid is textbook of Suiboku-ga. The orchid is one of the generic names of the subject of orchid, bamboo, plum and chrysanthemum in Chinese painting & Suiboku-ga.

秋の虫 | Autumn insect
2020.10.7 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
I am healed by big chorus of singing of insects. Homoeogryllus japonicas, Xenogryllus marmoratus, cricket, Truljalia hibinonis, Ornebius kanetataki, Dianemobius nigrofasciatus,Hexacentrus japonicas, Oecanthus longicauda, Mecopoda nipponensis, etc.

秋到来 | The autumn arrival
2020.09.24 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
Many dragonflies(Pantala flavescens) fly in my garden.

秋の気配 | Signs of autumn
2020.09.12 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents
朝夕、やっと30度を切るようになりました(^ 。^;)
At last, in morning and evening, temperature came to be under 30 degrees.