
教室風景 Lecture contents

相棒 | My Mates

2021.01.5 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


The zodiac of this year is Ox.

Mates of my Suibokuga are cattle, too.


謹賀新春 | Have a Happy New Year!

2021.01.3 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

一年が平和と健康と幸福で満たされますように (*^_^*)/♡

Best hopes and wishes for the New Year!



御代志教室・ロビー展 開催中!| Lobby exhibition is now open!

2020.12.11 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents

コロナに負けず、御代志市民センターでロビー展開催中! 生徒さんの素敵な俳画・墨彩画・水墨画が皆様をお持ちしています。

Lobby exhibition of Enjoy Suibokuga&Bokusaiga Miyoshi class of Miyoshi City Public Center is now open! If you have time, please drop by.

干支 | the twelve signs of the oriental zodiac

2020.12.6 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents



The zodiac of the next year is Ox. I draw various kinds of cow in my classrooms.

霜秋(そうしゅう)| Late fall to the beginning of winter

2020.11.28 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

師走目前、来年は丑年です。教室では連日、色々な牛の絵を描いています (*^_^*)

It is near at hand in December. The sexagenary cycle of  next year is Cow.

In the classroom, I draw various kinds of cattle with Suibokuga & Bokusaiga  day after day.

秋の味覚 | autumn food

2020.11.15 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


The Acer palmatum of the garden changes color day by day and is almost fall.  It was the season when the fruit was delicious.

和む夜 | Night to calm down

2020.10.26 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


Night gets longer, and a heart softens to one cup of coffee.


四君子『蘭の描き方』| Textbook of the orchid

2020.10.17 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents

水墨画の基礎になる四君子の一つ『蘭の描き方』です。四君子の梅は 「高潔」、蘭は「清逸」、竹は「節操」、菊は「淡泊」を表現します。

The orchid is textbook of Suiboku-ga.  The orchid is one of the generic names of the subject of orchid, bamboo, plum and chrysanthemum in Chinese painting & Suiboku-ga.

秋の虫 | Autumn insect

2020.10.7 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents



I am healed by big chorus of singing of insects. Homoeogryllus japonicas, Xenogryllus marmoratus, cricket, Truljalia hibinonis, Ornebius kanetataki, Dianemobius nigrofasciatus,Hexacentrus japonicas, Oecanthus longicauda, Mecopoda nipponensis, etc.

秋到来 | The autumn arrival

2020.09.24 | お知らせ Notice, 教室風景 Lecture contents


Many dragonflies(Pantala flavescens) fly in my garden.
