
色紙絵講習会②開催 | Class of the picture of the hedgehog(Dec. 19)

2019.12.20 | お知らせ Notice, 展覧会のお知らせ Exhibition, 教室風景 Lecture contents

南阿蘇の保育園の先生方と干支の『ハリネズミ』を描きました。かわいいハリネズミが完成し皆さん笑顔です。楽しい時間をありがとうございました (^o^)/*

I drew the picture of the hedgehog of the sexagenary cycle with teachers of the nursery school of South Aso. Because everybody was able to draw a Pretty hedgehog, all became the smile. I had a great time! Thank you so much.
